Thursday, April 19, 2012

January 30th, 2012

all whit and formality aside, i feel terrible all the time. i had a bit of an episode at work yesterday. I ate a cliff bar at 9am, and by 11am i felt light headed and shaky. my hands couldn't stop shaking and then my body proceeded to follow. i went to the back and found some hummus and bagel chips and made myself eat. i was guessing that my blood sugar was low but it was a little scary. the last thing i want to do is pass out at work. luckily, i have one person at work that knows i'm pregnant so she gave me a coconut water (lots of electrolights) and after about 45 minutes i started to feel normal again. i have my 12 week check up coming up where they'll do a full work up with blood tests, ect. the most frustrating thing right now is that i'm just totally exhausted all the time. david is super supportive and sweet at home, but its stressful not being able to talk about it and share the news. we were at a birthday dinner for a dear friend this weekend, surrounded by people that we love and all i kept thinking about was how fun it would it would be to tell everyone.
it will have to wait though. i AM excited that stumbled upon the maternity section at they have the cutest little dresses and brightly colored maternity jeans that i will be ordering later on for sure! i also found a helpful website full of lists for everything you need from your baby registry to what clothing basics you need to stock up on for the impending bump. is great and part of, where we're thinking of registering.

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